Filing documents provided to customs
We will complete all necessary documents required for your cargo transportation through the port of Klaipėda and Lithuania. Filling of customs declarations, import and export documents related to transportation.
Import declaration (IM)
Import - is a foreign product transportation to the country. Goods may be imported by air, sea or land.
To import goods into the EU:
- To person must be given the economic operator code - EORI number;
- EORI number is recognized by all EU customs offices.
When importing goods it is important to know:
- What are the duties and taxes are applied;
- What are subject to bans or restrictions;
- What kind of documents (permits, licenses, etc.) you need.
Export declaration (EX1)
Export declaration - electronic export customs declaration are meeting the requirements set CCCIP 787 paragraph 1, and MDAS Trader interface specification, published in the Lithuanian Customs Internet site under the heading "Entrepreneur of the interface specification.
The export declaration is required when the goods are exported from the European Union (EU). Exporting goods from the EU yuou may apply a zero VAT rate for goods.
Declaring the goods mostly are used agent, for example, customs brokerage services, which provide a declaration to the customs authorities on behalf of the customer. Customs agent assumes responsibility for what you filled out in the declaration. Customs authorities in accordance with the export declaration has been able to verify whether the company complies with export control (eg. Licensing) requirements. Export declarations are usually submitted electronically.
The most important information in the export declaration usually is:
- Product code indicating what goods you are exporting;
- Customs procedure code indicating what with those goods are being made, for example, they can be exported or temporarily exported;
- Unique shipment identification number.
Transit (T1;TIR)
In the European Union transit declaration is - a document certifying the transit mode of entry for the customs of a transit declaration, TIR carnet or other recognized as a transit documents.
T1 transit declaration shall include goods ENTERED non-European Union countries, such as Asia or the US, as well as goods that come from the European Union customs warehouses.
The international deliveries are subject to the TIR (Transports Routiers INTERNATIONAUX "or" International road transport ") procedure. This procedure is performed using the TIR carnet, which is a customs declaration and a guarantee, but it's only available in the case of a part of the transport route passes through a third country.
Community status document T2L
We fill T2L documents, established by Customs Department order, that provide information on the goods covered by the Community or common transit procedure, that is required for goods held by the Community goods the customs status of evidence and other documents necessary for supplementing and (or) supporting the T2L document, the information specified in the T2L document presentation customs control and clearance.
The temporary storage document BDK
CMR filling
International carriage of goods by road Convention on the Contract, also known as CMR (Eng. Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road), covers all kinds of transportation of goods by truck.
CMR used:
- When the place and the cargo delivery in different countries (at least one of these countries must be CMR State);
- Regardless of the country office or nationality;
- Only goods transported by road; containers or swap bodies (swap body) are not considered as vehicles.
CMR consignment note regulate responsibility for damage caused during transportation.
Certificate EUR 1
EUR judėjimo sertifikatas yra preferencinės prekių kilmės įrodymo dokumentas, kuriuo remiantis pagal ES dvišalius preferencinius susitarimus ir lengvatomis besinaudojančioms šalims ar teitorijoms taikomi preferenciniai muitai.
Certificate A.TR
Certificate of origin
The certificate of origin - an international document certifying the origin of the goods whose extradition is based on the acquisition of goods, documentary evidence of origin or manufacturing operations performance analysis as well as the cost of materials, labor and other costs of certainty.
Phytosanitary Certificate
The phytosanitary certificate - State Plant Protection Service issued an official document indicating that the plants, plant products and other objects phytosanitary condition corresponds to the requirements of the importing country.
The veterinary certificate
We fill all the relevant documents required to obtain a health certificate for imports and exports. Veterinary certificates for export and import shall be issued by the relevant local State Food and Veterinary Service or the border inspection post of the territory are produced or stored animal products, livestock is kept by the duly authorized official veterinarian.
Health certificate issue was discussed only entity territorial SFVS or PVP by e-mail, fax, mail or simply writing a request for a health certificate and all the necessary information and documents about the animal products or animal (s).
Fumigation certificate
To be completed by all the relevant documents required to obtain a health certificate for imports and exports. Veterinary certificates for export and import shall be issued by the relevant local State Food and Veterinary Service or the border inspection post of the territory are produced or stored animal products, livestock is kept by the duly authorized official veterinarian.
Health certificate issue was discussed only entity territorial SFVS or PVP by e-mail, fax, mail or simply writing a request for a health certificate and all the necessary information and documents about the animal products or animal (s).